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Blogging About What You Know

If you want to promote your product or service as a blogger, it helps to have some idea of what your blog will be about. That is easy enough. A blog is simply a personal online discussion or informational site posted on the Internet consisting of concise, often informal text posts. Posts are usually displayed in reverse chronological order, with the latest post at the top, followed by older ones at the bottom. Some blogging sites offer categories of posts, and some even allow you to bookmark blog entries for later reference.

As far as demographics are concerned, some research shows that most bloggers are middle aged and older. In fact, the average blogger is more likely to be male than female. Most blogs (if not all) are also highly populated by other readers, with the writer’s own readership accounting for a small percentage of total readers. Still, there are many blogs that have very low visitor traffic and yet enjoy high page views. For these blogs, it may be more profitable to write about topics that are interesting to others, and then monetize those blog posts through Google AdSense, banner advertising, affiliate sales, or similar programs.

One of the most successful types of blogging is one that relates to a particular industry, product, or current event. There are several websites that allow you to search for blogs written about a specific topic. One such database, Blogger, allows you to specify how broad a topic you are interested in when searching for blog posts. You can search by keyword, category, or any combination thereof. As you may have guessed, the top ten blogs on Blogger are all related to blogging!

Other niche blogs are more generalized. For example, Consumer Reports does a lot of blogging on appliances and other consumer goods. The bloggers at these sites do not necessarily focus on a single type of product but may write about many different products. These blogs often generate a large amount of traffic. You can search for individual blogs by a broad topic or you can search for the term that best describes the topic.

Many bloggers use social networking sites as a way to advertise their writing. Given the amount of time people spend on social media these days, updating everything on these platforms has become as important as high-speed internet (such as the options provided by these Orlando internet providers). For example, many bloggers use Twitter to communicate with customers and fellow bloggers. If you have a Facebook or MySpace account, you can set up a fan page, where your friends can “like” your posts. Whenever you make a new post, your status will show up on your friend’s walls, increasing your visibility to them.

Marketing is an essential part of blogging. You need to make sure that you blog about something that will attract a large number of readers. The more traffic you receive, the higher your visibility to search engines and other bloggers. Many successful bloggers include social media in their marketing efforts. The secret to blogging is to create compelling blog posts that will attract readers and get your blog noticed on popular social media sites.