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Annoying Writing Trends to Avoid

Look, when you take a bigger-picture view on how content is consumed online in relation to the suggestions put forth by the likes of Google in ranking websites, you start to realise that everything boils down to providing a great user experience. It’s all about the user and that’s how one should approach any task […]

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Demystifying the Blurred Lines between Blogging and Vlogging

There’s no doubt about the fact that adding videos to the otherwise text-rich content on your blog can bring a lot of life to it, creating what is sometimes that much-needed bit of interactivity. Videos add a different dimension to your blog and depending on how you display those videos and how they’re represented (tags, […]

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Choosing Your Niche

Advisors to budding affiliate marketers who want to make money online with their blogs or websites are only partially right in suggesting that one should pick out a niche which covers something they’re passionate about. The thinking is that if you’re passionate about something then you’ll never run out of steam to want to discuss […]

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Exploring the Yoast SEO WordPress Plug-In

So in focus this time around is a specific WordPress plug-in known as Yoast SEO and I guess it keeps coming up in the queries to be investigated because it’s normally one of the plug-ins which are suggested by the WordPress platform itself to be installed, or rather suggested by developers of specific WordPress themes. […]

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Different Ways to Monetise Your Blog

In this particular post I’m not going to go deep into the detail of each of these blog monetisation techniques, but rather just going to introduce them to you if your aim is to start generating some income through your blog. I reckon each of these deserves its very own, complete post and so over […]

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Growing Your Social Media Influence and Following

So you’re not an A-list celebrity or in fact an “any-list” celebrity, but you’ve caught wind of the world of social media influencers and you want in on the action. Besides, there are some social media influencers who are totally killing it on the likes of Facebook and Instagram and the first you ever heard […]

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Affiliate Marketing Done Right

At the risk of making you feel like I’m forcing you to crack open the eggs you’ve been holding in your palms and guarding with your life, I’m going to approach this discussion with something that might not be too popular or go down too well. I’m going to tell you that you need to […]

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